Friday, December 29, 2006


So, while others are undoubtedly already integrated into their sites, I have yet to see my own. I fly there later today, though, to be greeted by a houseful of people who have descended upon my humble abode for the Ano Novo festivities. Somehow, this is fitting, seeing as how I just hosted 12 of the Volunteers in the north at my house for Christmas. If Ano Novo is as fun as all that was, then watch out. There will be some serious dancing and making merry going on.

Kidding about the integration part above, but these last few weeks have been strange in terms of trying to settle in to site. I got to the point where I just didn't know how much more I should invest emotionally in Angoche, because I didn't want to love it too much before I left it. Having the other Americans around distracted me from that, but they're a good group and leaving them was hard. Most of them I won't see for at least a year.

Luckily, the group I'm going to is awesome as well. That's the great thing about Moz 11: it's an awesome group of people in general.

That's all for now...I will be posting more about life at site once I actually get there.


Blogger Art said...

Hope you are intergrating well into your new site! Just wanted to drop you a note and say how much I enjoy reading your blog - insightful, descriptive (you're providing a high megapixel image into your world, to use a contemporary phrase!). Glad you are enjoying yourself there. :-)


1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't been able to reach you via phone, despite my now countless attempts! I hope that teaching is going well, and that you now feel integrated. I'm in the middle of thesis-writing and book-translating; in other words, I have no life. I miss you!!
Love Meg

P.S. Did you get our two-box care-package extravaganza!?? It was truely a combined labor of love: Ethan even decorated the box with his scribbles.

8:15 PM  

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