Friday, June 01, 2007

Visual Aid

So hopefully, these "visual aids" that I've developed in lieu of an actual update will help you all imagine my life over here a little bit better. Like they say...a picture's worth a thousand words.

Above: The main drag of Inhassoro. You are looking north. Over your right shoulder is the Indian Ocean. To your left is the bakery (where we buy bread every single day) and the "supermarket" (it's the building, that, if you look closely, has the Shell sign on it). Behind this bustling main street is the other market (the rickety stall one) and then the school. More pictures of that later. Straight ahead, the road curves, and you are headed up a small hill and out of Inhassoro. Later on in this day, those ominous clouds split open and the ocean poured down on us from above. It was amazing.

Our school, after the cyclone. It looks much better now. Has a roof at least, and all that metal in the front (the old roof) is now gone and being replaced by rocks and shrubbery.

The beach at Inhassoro. Don't be jealous. This is what Peace Corps is all about.

Me and my lovely roommate Katie, on the day we were sworn in as volunteers (also known as The Day Before We Knew What the Heck We Were Getting Into). Our town is convinced we are sisters. Hmmm...I wonder why.

More Later.




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